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The Wealth is in Your Health

It’s easy to compare ourselves to those around us. “I’m not as wealthy, not as pretty, not as young, not as __________.” However you fill in the blank, it’s not a healthy way of thinking. You have so much to offer! There’s no need for you to be like anybody else or worry about the thing’s others have and you don’t. It’s time we all realize that our greatest wealth is in our health! Invest in that!

You could have all the money in the world, the biggest house, and the nicest car, but without your health, what do you REALLY have? Does the rest even matter? Possessions are great of course, but what could you possess that is greater than your own personal health and wellbeing??

Let’s take a look at some things that often hold us back from living our healthiest lives and how we can invest in our health.

One issue we all face from time to time is inflammation. Certain foods are known to cause inflammation more than others. Try to stay away from too much sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. Fruits and vegetables naturally have small amounts of fructose, which is fine, but giving your body too much inhibits your health. Eating too much sugar can lead to higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Inflammation is just the start. So stay away from too much sugar!

It’s also a good idea to avoid drinking too much alcohol, as this can lead to increased inflammation as well. Take it in moderation, but don’t go overboard every time you drink. Heavy drinking can also lead to organ damage—it creates problems with bacterial toxins moving out of the colon and into the body. Take it slow and light!

Finally, avoid inflammation by staying away from too much processed meat. Eating too much processed meat has been linked to colon cancer, among other issues.

Eating well is only half the battle. You’ve got to get moving!! There are little things you can do everyday that increase the balance in your health bank.

Take the stairs when you can. Go on walks. Stretch in the morning and evening. Try some meditative breathing to reduce stress. Work standing up when possible. Ride your bike through the neighborhood. Dance around the kitchen. Find whatever it takes to get you MOVING!

Try my classes at Lauren Fox on Demand to mix it up! When you’re too busy to make it to class, my instructional workout videos are right there, ready for you! The key is to start now with whatever you can. Do some sit-ups or pushups! Jog your driveway! Walk anytime you can. Invest in your health and it will return the favor!

Do you believe that your body is worth taking care of? Because IT IS! You only get one body, so take care of it and use it properly! Fuel it with whole, unprocessed foods. Get it moving every chance you get. Invest in the only thing you’ll have for your entire life! Trust me, it will pay off!!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!


Get Your Vitamins!

As kids, it seems like someone was always telling us to take our vitamins and eat our vegetables! It’s a good thing they did, too. Vitamins are very important, especially as we age and our bodies change. But do we really know what all these vitamins are for? Where do we get them naturally so we don’t have to swallow a pill?? Let’s break it down so you can be sure you’re getting your vitamins!

There are 13 vitamins that we need on a regular basis, and we need each of them to maintain a healthy metabolism. All vitamins are either fat-soluble or water-soluble, meaning some stay in the body longer than others. The fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the fatty tissues of your body and can remain in your body as reserves for days and even months! Water-soluble vitamins, on the other hand, don’t stay in the body very long. Because our bodies can’t store them, we need to replenish them more often than the fat-soluble ones.

You may know more about some vitamins than others, but here’s a brief breakdown of what each one does for your body.

Vitamin A is vital for vision, your immune system, and reproduction. It also helps many of your major organs—the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.—function properly.  It’s fat-soluble, meaning your body stores it longer. Good sources of Vitamin A are eggs, carrots, broccoli, and sweet potatoes.

There are eight B-complex vitamins, so we’ll start with B, also known as thiamine. Vitamin B is what enables the body to use carbs as energy! It also plays a role in nerve, muscle, and heart function. It’s water-soluble—replenish often! You can get Vitamin B through beef, nuts, oats, and oranges.

Vitamin B2 is also water-soluble and is responsible for helping with the breakdown of proteins, fats, and carbs. Like Vitamin B, it helps maintain the body’s supply of energy. Fish, eggs, and dairy products are good sources of B2.

Vitamin B3, like the rest of the B vitamins, is water-soluble. It’s helpful for the digestive system, nervous system, and skin. B3 is found in meats such as liver, chicken breast, tuna, salmon, and turkey.

Though we need all the B vitamins, B5 is one of the most crucial. Our bodies need it to make red blood cells! You can get it through pork, chicken, salmon, whole grain breads and cereals, and dairy products. B6 is also important—we need it for proper brain development and function. It helps the body produce serotonin, which is vital for mood regulation. You can get your B6 by eating pork, turkey, fish, starchy vegetables, and whole grains.

Vitamin B7 is necessary for strengthening hair and nails, and is commonly referred to as biotin. We also need B7 for the creation of enzymes—this relates to having a healthy metabolism.  You can find B7 in nuts, seeds, liver, and egg yolk.

Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, plays a large role in mental health. There’s a high concentration of B9 in dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach. Lentils and black-eyed peas also serve as a good source of B9.

The final vitamin in the B-complex is B12, which keeps the body’s blood cells healthy and aids in making DNA. Having ample B12 protects against anemia. B12 is found in liver, kidneys, clams, sardines, tuna, and beef.

Vitamin C—we all know about this one! It needs to be replenished often since it’s water-soluble. Vitamin C is vital to the body’s ability to heal. It also helps absorb and store iron. Chili peppers, guavas, thyme, parsley, kale, broccoli, and oranges are great foods for getting this vitamin!

Vitamin D is important for bone health! It helps the body absorb calcium and is easily stored by the body. Vitamin D can be found in fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon.

Vitamin E has many benefits including providing support for the immune system, preventing inflammation, promoting eye health, and protecting cells from free radicals. It’s fat-soluble and easily stored in the body. You can get Vitamin E by eating nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, and vegetable oils.

The final vitamin is K, which the body needs for blood clotting. It is fat-soluble and can be found in foods such as broccoli, edamame, collard greens, and Brussels sprouts.

As you can see, vitamins play MANY crucial roles in our bodies! We cannot function properly without them, and deficiencies put stress on our bodies, causing a number of problems! So, take care of what you’re eating, and if you need to take supplemental vitamins, do so! Your health is worth it!

Get a lifestyle endeavor on Food.

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!


Going Green and Clean

Have you ever thought about the products you use on your body each day? I know I’m more inclined to think about what I’m putting IN my body, not ON it! But it’s about time we start paying attention to the products we use for skin and hair care. Why? Because women on average expose their bodies to 168 chemicals per day just through skin and hair care products! There are a handful of chemicals commonly found in these products we use on a daily basis that we’d do better to live without.

Parabens are one of the most used preservatives in cosmetics. Because they can easily penetrate the skin, they can interfere with hormone function, specifically by mimicking estrogen. Parabens have also been found in breast cancer tissue, and studies are still being done to explore possible connections between parabens and the development of cancer tissue. With risks this big, why not find products without potentially harmful chemicals like parabens? Next time you buy something like shampoo or a cosmetic product, look to see if it’s labeled as “paraben-free.”

Try choosing products made of more natural ingredients. This ensures you are treating your body the way it deserves to be treated! Think about it—skin is your largest organ, and chemicals are absorbed through your skin, hair, and nails every day. If you apply chemicals on parts of your skin that you shave, tweeze, or wax, there’s a higher chance of chemical toxins not only being absorbed through your skin, but entering your bloodstream!

Some chemicals, although not natural, are not harmful to us, but there are a few to be on the lookout for. In addition to parabens, look out for SLS, triclosan, DEA & TEA, formaldehyde, and oxybenzone. There’s research suggesting each of these commonly used chemicals carry potential health risks of varying degrees.

Because the cosmetic industry isn’t as regulated as you might think, start taking matters into your own hands to play it safe. One-time exposures to certain chemicals may not have an effect on your body, but over a lifetime, these minimal exposures add up. The best place to start is reading labels! Look for products with labels that have certifications such as “USDA Organic,” “EWG Verified,” or “Natural Products Association Certified.” Labels like these mean that the product has met a rigorous set of requirements to earn a stamp of approval. It’s a good place to start investing in products that are healthier for your body!

Sometimes chemicals can be sneaky. We are using them and don’t even think twice! Take this as an example: any product labeled “fragrance” in the US can be made of a number of substances that are considered toxic. Remember… it’s not the single exposure I’m talking about here… it’s repeated exposure over years and years of product use! Avoid as much as possible, ladies!

It’s not just beauty products either—many household cleaning supplies can put us at risk, too. Try using more natural cleaners instead of harsh chemicals for around the house. And if you are using strong chemicals, be careful not to inhale the fumes! Some studies have linked these harmful cleaning chemicals to cancer.

When you start to believe that your body is worth the best you can offer it, your opinions on health, beauty, and even cleaning products may change. It’s never too late to make a change… and who knows, you might even see and feel a difference as a result!

Let’s also take a dive in the details of vitamins we need!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!


Intermittent Fasting

As a fitness leader throughout the years, I was always taught to eat small meals 5-6 times a day to keep my metabolism going. However, my husband, Dr. Ricky Fox, has recently been studying different facets of nutrition, one being intermittent fasting. I am intrigued and amazed at this concept. Ricky always points out that our ancestors were doing this as hunters and gatherers many, many years ago. The obesity rate was much lower back then—probably even non-existent—along with all the diseases associated with today’s commercially produced foods. It seems to me there really is something to this…

To jump right in and make sure we’re all on the same page, fasting means not consuming any calories. Intermittent fasting is cycling through periods of fasting and non-fasting on a regular basis. We are focusing on the practice of intermittent fasting in this post.

One compelling reason to try intermittent fasting is that it has the potential to lower your risk for disease. Periods of fasting have been shown to help people stay healthy. It can lower blood pressure and cholesterol as well as allowing the body to metabolise fat and glucose faster. For these reasons, it reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

But don’t forget the brain! Your brain fulfills a large percentage of your body’s energy requirements, so it’s constantly in need of refueling. Intermittent fasting can do just that. Without getting too technical, studies have shown that intermittent fasting can help improve memory, reduce depression, and may even slow down the onset of Alzheimer’s.

Intermittent fasting may also help regulate chemicals and hormones that are essential to keeping your body working efficiently and effectively. It kicks on your metabolism and facilitates fat burn, which leads me to the weight loss effect. Many people hear the word “fasting” and immediately think of losing weight. While it can help with shedding a few pounds, intermittent fasting is more about getting your body back on track internally, not managing appearance externally. However, due to the increased metabolism and growth hormone, it is possible to lose some weight while practicing intermittent fasting.

Whether you’ve fasted before or not, consider giving intermittent fasting a shot! With more and more research being done on the topic the benefits keep piling up. Not sure how to get started? Reach out! Ricky and I would love to help you on your journey to better health. You can always find my videos on Lauren Fox on Demand and reach out to me on the website!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!


Brain Boost

Hey y’all! Lauren here from Lauren Fox on Demand! Today I’m writing about some of the benefits exercise has on your brain! That’s right—getting fit is also a brain boost!

When you do aerobic exercise, or cardio, your heart rate increases and gets more blood flowing to your brain. While that’s happening, you’re probably breathing harder, too. This brings more oxygen to your brain! The increase of oxygen in your bloodstream is what causes more neurons to be made, and this happens in the part of your brain that controls memory and thinking! To wrap it up… this whole process is why exercise is often believed to improve memory in the long-term.

Did you know that as we age, our brain tissue shrinks? The generation of new brain cells slows down the older we get, resulting in less physical brain tissue. But not to fear… This is another reason exercise is a brain boost because it can reverse this part of aging! Studies have shown an increase in brain volume after six months of consistent aerobic activity.  Stretching and minor physical activity is always good, but it’s getting to the point of heart rate increase that really makes the difference!

Exercise is also shown to help fight depression and anxiety. When we exercise, our bodies produce higher levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are brain chemicals instrumental in lifting our mood. And I’m sure you’ve all heard of endorphins… those are the feel-good chemicals that kick in right after a good workout. Exercise plays a key role in boosting your mood as a result of these brain chemicals!

One of the most useful, complex brain boosts we get from exercise is the improvement of executive function—aka cognitive abilities like focusing on a complex task, organizing, and abstract thinking. Exercise has deeper brain benefits than you may think!

The next time you go to work out, remember you’re doing for your body AND your brain! Join me at Lauren Fox on Demand to get the brain boost you need!

So, Let’s Commit to Get Fit

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!


Beach Body Countdown!

Summer is almost here… but you still have time to get in some nips and tucks! Put in the work now and see the results when you’re ready to bask in the summer sun! All it takes is a little bit every day and you’ll be beach body ready in no time!

It’s the little things that add up… so here are a few tips for making the most of the spring to get ready for summer! Instead of taking the elevator, try taking the stairs. Go for water, not soda. Do some small exercises throughout the day if you’re able. Remember, any movement is better than no movement! Schedule your workouts like an appointment—lock it in! If you normally workout three times a week, try making it four or five times a week! Come work the barre like a star with me, or workout in the comfort of your home with Lauren Fox on Demand! Figure out what it takes for you to get to work and go for it!

Think about this—if you cut 500 calories a day (the equivalent of a Starbucks Venti Caramel Frappuccino with whipped cream), in 7 days you’ve already cut 3,500, which is what it takes to lose a pound in a healthy way! Since it’s about 7 weeks until Memorial Day, you could cut enough calories to lose around 7 pounds in time for the holiday weekend! All by cutting out 500 calories per day. If you’re not into Frappuccino’s and want to find a way to cut those calories, try thinking of it like a bagel with cream cheese, about four pieces of bacon, or even a Chick-fil-a Grilled Chicken Sandwich and Side Salad. By making small, healthy decisions, you can set yourself up for big rewards later on!

I know y’all can do it… let’s get our beach bodies ready for summer!
Hope to see you soon!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!


Unleash the Beast, My Beauties!

Alright y’all… today I’m excited to light a fire under your butt! It’s time to get to work! I’ve always found that there are some people who are just naturally more inclined to want to work out than others.  Some people love it… like me! Other people like the feeling after they’ve exercised but don’t like it while they’re in the middle of doing it. Still others do it because only they know it’s good for them and want to live a healthy life but don’t really enjoy it. No matter where you fall on the spectrum, I think this post can apply to you!

When’s the last time you went ALL OUT for something? I’m talking about a time you gave all your energy, attention, and effort to a single task in the moment. What do you work really hard for? Maybe it’s your career or being a good family member. It could be something big or small! For some people their hard work truly is for their health and body. We all work hard for something… And if you aren’t working hard now, I bet you USED to! I know we get tired as we age, but hear me out… I want to talk to you about “unleashing the beast.”

It’s easy to go after something half-heartedly, but what if you dove in all the way? What if you let go of how you thought something was supposed to go and let your commitment to the present moment become the most important thing? You can’t change the past or control the future, so you might as well give the present everything you’ve got, right ladies??

I really believe that for some of us, our key to success—in physical health and in other areas of our lives—lies in unleashing the beast. That’s right… I’m talking about letting go and zeroing in on whatever it is you are doing… even to the point of feeling like it’s overkill. Maybe that’s working out at Celeb Barre with me, or maybe it’s giving a presentation to your colleagues at work. Whatever it is… don’t be afraid to fully commit and make that moment the BEST it can be!

When it comes to exercise, sometimes I wonder if we are afraid to really get into it. We may fear not being as capable as we thought. We may be afraid of looking silly in front of others. We might even think there’s no chance of seeing change… so what’s the point in trying? I am here to tell you that the BEST thing you can do is to block out all that negativity and doubt and just go for it. Give it your all! Unleash the beast we all have inside to reach the next level! The way to do that is focusing on the present. When you start a workout, don’t stress about the workday, the mess at home, what’s for dinner, or even who looks cuter in their workout clothes. Focus on YOUR time and YOUR workout. Give that beast inside the chance to show you all its power… all its potential! You just might surprise yourself. Don’t be afraid to sweat, stink, and take a moment to recover later on. Let it all go, ladies!

When you’re with your family or friends, focus on giving them your undivided attention! Be present and enjoy what you have right in front of you! No matter what you find yourself doing in the day-to-day, take a moment to remind yourself that you are where you are… and no where else! One thing at a time! By doing so, you are setting yourself up for success across the board.

It’s time to unleash the beast, my beauties. I’ll be doing it right here with you. I hope to see you in class soon or sign up for my video classes. Work out on your schedule!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!


Drink your Water!

I am always saying, “Drink your water!” It’s so important to a healthy lifestyle, especially when you’re sweaty sexy in class with me! You need to replenish all the fluids you lose, but water’s good for a lot of other things, too.

Drinking your water helps clear toxins from your body. It flushes them right out! And, while it’s getting toxins out, it’s carrying nutrients in! Water transports them where they need to in order for your body to function properly. Water also aids digestion. It helps break down our food so our bodies can absorb the nutrients!

Water also helps muscle function, which is exactly why I’m always telling y’all to drink your water at the end of every class! It helps with muscle soreness and protects against dehydration! It speeds up your recovery time, too… so you can get back at it without feeling exhausted and overly sore!

Water lubricates our joints, too. Cartilage is about 80 percent water, and it’s what helps our joints absorb shock as we exercise and move around. Without enough water, there’s a higher risk for joint injury and pain due to weaker cartilage. Water helps protect us from joint pain!

As a rule of thumb, try to drink half your body weight in ounces every day. For example, if someone weighs 160 pounds, they should drink 80 ounces of water a day. Doing this can actually increase your metabolism! It’s an easy way to get started drinking more water—setting a goal is always a good idea!

Just like water flushes toxins from inside our body, it’s also good at flushing toxins from our skin. We all want that radiant glow, and water is one of the main secrets! Water is essential to keeping moisture in the skin, and it’s also known to improve its elasticity. This helps reduce signs of aging, like wrinkles!

Water helps maintain our body temperature. While this may not seem important, it certainly is. Because water can absorb a lot of heat before its temperature rises, it acts as a buffer in our bodies. It protects our cells from sudden, drastic temperature changes. When we are in danger of overheating, the water in our blood moves the heat to our extremities. When we need to conserve body heat, it moves the heat inward toward our vital organs. Water helps keep us not only healthy, but alive! It’s at work in our bodies even when we don’t know it!

The next time you work out in class with me or through Lauren Fox on Demand, make sure you’ve got that bottle of water to replenish after sweating sexy! Take care of your body and it will take care of you. Remember to have water handy throughout the day. The sooner you make drinking your water into a habit the better off you’ll be in workouts and in every day life! So, like I always say… drink your water!!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!

“Legs, legs, legs…” he said!

I believe everybody can “strut their stuff” in some way or another… we all have that best asset, whether it’s our arms, legs, hair, smile, or any part of us that makes us feel good. For me, it’s always been my legs, and I’m so grateful for that. But it didn’t always come easy! We women love to have good-looking legs… and we all know men love it, too!! But there’s so much more to having good legs than feeling sexy even though that is a big perk! Healthy legs bring so many more benefits than you might think.

In my classes and on Lauren Fox on Demand, I put lots of effort into working out the legs. They’re so important! I realize you must work with what you’ve got because genes do play a role, but it is always a good idea to work on your legs regardless of what you’re starting with. They’re the way you get from place to place, after all! The most important thing is making them stronger to support you for a lifetime. The healthier you are, the better you’ll feel! After years of working to stay in shape, trust me, I know!!

In my BARRE FUSION CLASSES, I put a lot of leg work in. I make sure we hit quads, calves, and hamstrings for the maximum effect! Legs make up a major portion of your body, so you have to spend time giving them the TLC they need! I like to make sure there’s cardio, strength training, AND stretching. You need it all if you want to see a change in your physique and an increase in your strength!

Cellulite is another thing I like to target in my classes! The more fat you burn and strength you build, the less visible your cellulite becomes. There’s no one-stop solution for it, but burning fat is one of the best ways to fight it—especially as we age! Cardio is good for this because it gets your heart rate up and uses up the energy stored in your body’s fat cells to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Strong legs are sexy legs—I really do believe that! If you want to tone your calves and sleek your thighs, BARRE CLASS really is the way to do it. I make sure we do a lot of work in relevé position… it’s a ballet word that means “raised.” In relevé, you raise your heels off the floor, really engaging your calves. When you drop deeper into a relevé position, you build strength and sleek out your thigh muscles! This is why barre is such a good way to start working toward the legs you’ve always dreamed of!

Getting those lean, strong legs is worth the effort, ladies. Come work the barre with me in class or JOIN Lauren Fox on Demand to sleek it out!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!



We all love it… but is sugar really worth it?? Y’all know sweets taste good, but do you know how they affect your body? Today I want to share a few facts about sugar that might make you think twice about eating that next sweet treat!

Eating too much sugar makes it easier to put on extra weight. Sugar is full of fructose, which is known to increase your hunger even more than glucose, which is the main type of sugar found in many starchy foods. Fructose affects the hormones in your body that regulate hunger, making it harder for your body to recognize when it’s time to stop eating.

 Beyond messing with your hunger hormones, eating and drinking too much sugar may increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, depression, and even cancer. That’s a lot of negative for something that tastes good! When you’re craving sugar, see what healthier option you may be able to substitute. Try eating something with natural sugars rather than processed ones. Not all sugar is created equally!! For example, fruit has natural sugar… so that’s much better for you than a slice of cake!

 I think a lot of us reach for something sugary when we need a boost. Sugar gives you a quick kick of energy, right? In fact, yes, it does… but I’m sure you’ve heard of a sugar crash!! Food that is high in sugar quickly spikes your blood sugar and insulin levels, so you WILL feel more energized at first. But this is only temporary. It won’t last and it’s not good for you. Sugar doesn’t provide quality fuel for your body. Eating something with high sugar levels every time you need a quick boost of energy will only put you in a cycle of blood sugar swings, which will ultimately drain your energy rather than replenish it. Try eating carbs that are low in added sugar and rich in fiber instead! Eating carbs with protein is another good way to keep your blood sugar and energy levels steady.

 If you’re looking for a way to cut out some of the sugar you’re eating, here are a few tips to get started! Try eating whole fruits instead of smoothies with extra sweetener. Eat foods that say “zero added sugars.” Try shopping around the perimeter of the grocery store, buying whole, fresh foods rather than processed ones. Swap out sweet salad dressings for olive oil or vinegar. Start small and build up to bigger changes! And if it’s a boost of energy you’re looking for when you eat sugar, you can come to class with me… experience endorphins instead of sugar crashes! Lauren Fox on Demand is another great place to get energized and keep away from all the sugar! Y’all can do it!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!


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