lfodadmin, Author at Lauren Fox On Demand - Page 3 of 5

Turning Back Time
Fitness After 50

Age always seems to sneak up on me! I celebrated my 55th birthday on Friday, August 16, and it’s hard to believe I am that old!! I know it’s not actually old, but when I think of my younger days, it feels like forever ago! One thing hasn’t changed though… I am still taking care of my body! No matter your age, it’s never too late to start and it’s always too early to quit! I definitely feel like I am at the top of that hill about to slide down the other side… gradually, I might add! But I am still doing everything I can to treat my body right so it will work the way it’s supposed to even as I get older!

Bone Density As We Age

One of the biggest things to pay attention to as we age is our bone density. It’s surprising how quickly we can lose it! It leaves our bones more brittle and puts us at higher risk for broken bones. That’s definitely not what we want! One of the best ways to fight the loss of bone density is to use weights when we exercise. Studies have shown that most people reach their peak bone mass during their thirties, and after that, it can begin to decline. I’m 55… so it’s really something I need to be thinking about! I bet a lot of you do, too!

Resistance training or anything that’s causing you to fight gravity is a good place to start. Even walking is good! But I bet a lot of you can do more. Try using some weights—even light ones!—when you exercise. Maybe you do a few bicep curls or do some squats with a dumbbell or plate in your hand. There are so many things you can do!! On Lauren Fox on Demand, I incorporate lighter weight exercises in my Rockstar Barre class, and I have plans to add some 30-minute high intensity training classes very soon! And it’s worth noting that while exercises like cycling and swimming are good for cardiovascular health, they don’t help much with bone health over the years. So, try out some classes at laurenfoxondemand.com!

The Key is Vitamin D!

I recently found out my Vitamin D levels dropped significantly in the last year, so I’ve started taking Vitamin D supplements to boost it back up. Osteoporosis, or the weakening of your bones, is a disease that can be combatted with Vitamin D. My mom had it so I get nervous and want to do everything I can to avoid it! I know what you may be thinking after all this talk about bones… fitness is about muscles and fitting in your clothes!! You’re not wrong, but if we don’t have healthy bones, our muscular strength and dress size won’t matter as much. Our bones are the basic anatomy of what keeps us together! We have to take care of them just like anything else.

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium from the food you eat and distribute it to your bones. It’s crucial if you want to keep bone density high as the years pass! Though we can only get calcium through food, our bodies can make Vitamin D when we are out in the sunlight. Depending on where you live, it can be hard to get enough Vitamin D in the winter months or at times when it’s raining a lot. Supplements can help if that’s the case! Just be cautious with taking Vitamin D supplements… the recommended amount is 400-800 IU (international units) per day, but other studies recommend slightly higher levels. Bottom line: don’t overdo it. If you’re getting a good amount of time in the sun, consult a doctor before deciding to take supplements!

As a side note, my husband, Dr. Ricky Fox, owns an energy clinic that provides injectable Vitamin D, B-12, and a multivitamin. He gives me a D and B-12 shot every other week. It boosts my energy so much that I can tell when it’s time for the next shot! Feel free to email me if you are interested in purchasing any of these injectable vitamins and we will ship them directly to you! My email is laurenfoxondemand@gmail.com.

I am not going to let turning the age of a speed limit sign get me down! I am going to be very thankful for my good health so far and be even more diligent with my exercise, healthy lifestyle, and supplements. I am just like you… I get so busy that I forget to take all the supplements needed at my age! I am going to share the list my doctor recommended for me. As always, speak to your doctor to verify these are right for you; however, they are all over-the-counter and readily available. If you are like me, you may need a little help dialing in on what is truly needed.

My doctor recommended two multivitamins, one mega GLA, two Natrol carb intercepts, and two Omega-3s in the morning as well as three Neuro-Mag magnesium capsules at night. If you want to get a picture of what you may need, go over to Dr. Ricky’s website at www.idlifezone.com/1287246 and take the assessment quiz!

Aging is hard enough as it is… so take control of what you can and make it a little easier! Whether you are looking to continue your fitness after 50 routines or just get started, Lauren Fox on Demand is a great place to go! See y’all there! 🙂

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊 

Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!

Change Management
Accept What You Cannot Change

This is a common saying… I’m sure we’ve all heard some version of it before! Boy, is it true. If you’re anything like me, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about things you have no control over. It’s a waste of time and energy—trust me! I struggle with this because I am a perfectionist… and it’s taken me until my 55th birthday, which is this Friday, to realize I can’t control everything! I can’t work 24/7 or make everything right all the time. It’s not humanly possible!! And believe me, I have tried. My grandmother, Memaine, always said, “Don’t worry… don’t borrow trouble!” She knew how much of a worrywart I was (and still am!), but ironically, I think I got that trait from her! She was just the same way. Wherever our worrying nature comes from, we have to find ways to accept what we can’t change and work on what we can.

Letting Go

Easier said than done! Letting go is SO difficult… especially because we often cling the tightest to what we care most about! Letting go doesn’t mean we have to care less, just that we recognize it isn’t all in our power to control. And that is a GOOD thing! Wouldn’t it be nice to free up some space in your mind? I know I’d benefit from that, so I’m trying to make it happen. The first step is accepting what you can’t change. Recognize those things that are beyond your power. The only thing you can control all the time is how you respond to people and situations! When bad things happen, your biggest source of power is how you react. Make the most of a bad situation! This is all possible when we learn to let go of the need to control everything.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

This is another catch phrase we’ve probably all heard before. But when you really think about it, this is a nugget of great wisdom! When we stop worrying about all the little things and trying to control it all, we have a greater capacity to take care of the big, important things! It’s like picking your battles. You’re going to have to fight, but not all the time. Fight in the battles that really matter. Spend your limited time and energy on things that are truly important in the long run, not just in the heat of the moment.

Embrace the Struggle

I hate to break it to you, but accepting what you can’t change isn’t always the easiest thing. But if you know that going in, the whole process gets a lot easier! There are some hard truths that you must accept in order to start letting go. First, the hard things are what make us better. We grow stronger each time we face a challenge and are forced to overcome it. And we don’t have to do it alone! I’m here for you, and I’m sure there are people around you who are willing to help you, too! The hard stuff is the good stuff! Second, you can’t be good at everything. Now I know you are probably already thinking of someone you know who is an exception to the rule, but I promise you that even those people have their weak areas! When you release the need to excel at everything, you have a much better chance to play on your strengths. Focus on what you are good at and what you enjoy! There’s no use wasting effort on things that we weren’t made to do. Find your things and zero in! You’ll save energy in the long run. Third, balance is necessary. At times, I feel like work is the ultimate thing in my life. There never seems to be enough time to do everything I need to do!! I’m sure many of y’all can relate to that. Other times, I think spending time with my family is all I need, and I don’t want to spend so much time working! And even outside of that, I have friends, hobbies, and passions that all require attention to grow! The key is perfecting your balancing act. Don’t perfect one area… perfect the way you balance of all of them! If you’re juggling three balls and you suddenly divert all your attention to a single one, the other two fall to the ground! Find a way to keep all three in motion, devoting adequate, balanced attention to each. Once you master this (or at least improve!), you will see a radical change in your life.

All of these points relate to your health as well! It’s not going to be perfect; you don’t have complete control to make changes happen just the way you want, and it’s definitely part of a balancing act! If you only focus on healthy eating and exercise, your relationships and work may suffer. If you focus on everything but your physical health, you won’t be as equipped to juggle all the other things in your life. I know you are all busy, and that’s why I made Lauren Fox on Demand. It helps you fight through a challenge without consuming all of your time! It will require a chunk of your energy… I can’t just go easy on y’all!!... but it will be worth it. Come join me and commit to letting go of what you can’t control and moving forward to the best version of yourself!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!

Fitting In Fitness on A Busy Schedule

Hey y’all! We all know what time it is… back to school! Summer is coming to an end, and school is about to be back in swing. Whether you’re in school or not, this is the time of year that brings to mind fresh starts and new looks! For those of y’all who are closer to my age… do you remember picking out your first day of school outfit the night before classes started?? It seems like I always wanted to look my best and show off my new self to kick the school year off right! No matter how old you are, this time of year has a little bit of magic to it. Let’s harness it and get our rear ends looking good for a new pair of jeans!

Work With What You’ve Got

There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve the part of your body you like the least, but what if you started with what you like the best? Our bodies are all different. What works for me won’t always work for you. The amount of effort to see change isn’t the same across the board. But we all have areas that we can take pride in and feel confident about! Just because you have short legs doesn’t mean you can’t have beautiful, toned arms. If you’re tall and lanky, that doesn’t mean you can’t build up and round out your booty! Work with what you’ve got, ladies! Stop criticizing your physique so much and get to work on an area that you’re already feeling great about! Start there and then move on to the next. It’ll get the ball rolling, and you might just build up some confidence before jumping into the harder-to-change areas.

Rock Those Jeans

We’ve all done it… we’ve gone to the store and bought that pair of jeans that were just a little too tight. We get them as a source of motivation—“I’ll get in shape so I can fit in these!” They’re our dream jeans that will hug our curves just right… if we lose a few pounds or shed a few inches. There is nothing wrong with that! In fact, it’s a great way to set goals, which is a necessary step if you want to make a change! Having a clear picture of where you are and where you want to go is crucial to success! You’re more willing to put in the time and hard work it takes to get in shape when you have an incentive at the end. This works for a lot of people, and it might just work for you, too! We all deserve to rock those jeans!

Make a Plan

So you have the desire and the goal, but you need to make a plan to see results! This is often the hardest part for people. It can require rearranging your schedule—maybe even your priorities. You have to have a tangible way to get from Point A to Point B because without it, those dream jeans might just stay in the back of the closet! And we don’t want that. Figure out what it’s going to take to get you active. Is it a gym membership? A Lauren Fox on Demand subscription? A workout partner? A healthier diet? Less time watching TV at night?

When you go with your kid to buy school supplies, pick up an extra spiral notebook—write down your goals there! Figure out at least 3-5 times a week you can get a workout in. You can always tune into my On Demand classes and do at least half a class if you’re short on time! It’s great if you can manage to get it in early by waking up 30 minutes earlier, but if not, do it when you can! Do it before you have a chance to talk yourself out of it! You can also make a vision board in the front of your notebook to motivate you. Cut out photos of how you want to look in your jeans, or whatever it is that inspires you! Having a visual can be very powerful. Make sure you keep it somewhere you can see daily… seeing is believing! Write out some positive affirmations and practice repeating them out loud every day! This gets your brain in the right place to succeed. Some examples might be:

“There is always time left to become the person you are supposed to be!”

“In two weeks, you’ll feel it. In four weeks, you’ll see it. In eight weeks, you’ll hear it.”

“The body achieves what the mind believes.”

“I am amazing. I can do anything. I choose to be positive. I know my worth. I will succeed.”

Writing things down also helps keep you accountable. Keep track of when you workout and if you meet a goal. Treat yourself when you have a little victory! This could be a pedicure, massage, etc. Also try keeping a food journal… this can be difficult, but might be worth a shot if you’re really trying to make a change! Look back at what you were fueling your body with and see where there’s room for improvement… and again, reward yourself for good choices! See how many days you can make it without eating or drinking anything unworthy of your new body goals!

The beginning of making your plan and living it out will be hard, but with time, you can accomplish what you set out to do. Those jeans are calling your name and cheering you on!! And of course, so am I!

On my website, www.laurenfoxondemand.com, I have a variety of workout videos for busy women just like you. I want to help and make it easier! As it’s been said before, “Plan your work and work your plan.” You can do it! Remember how it felt to walk into school looking better after a summer in the sun… and know that you can have that feeling again! Work hard for that back to school bod, ladies! It’s worth it!

Until next time, xoxo! 


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!

How To Feel Better About Yourself!

The Most Powerful Woman You’ve Never Met… YOU! 

There are times in life when we feel like we’ve lost our voice, maybe even ourselves. We lose that sense of control… or maybe never felt it in the first place. Over the years, working out has given me that power. I am more confident in myself and am better for adopting a healthy lifestyle. I know what it’s like to start at the bottom and work your way up. I was beaten down, and exercise gave me my confidence back. It built up my self-esteem when I had lost it. Most importantly, working out gave me the nerve to leave an abusive relationship. I realized I could make it on my own if I put my mind to it, and I have never looked back.

Now, my whole life has turned around, and I am married to the love of my life! He is a true partner… someone who lifts me up and supports me. Make sure you are spending time with the kind of people who will pick you up when you need it! Life isn’t always going to be easy, but it’s always possible… and so much better with people who care about you and get you through the rough patches. YOU are worth the hard work! Know your self-worth and do not give your power away. Surround yourself with positivity and gratitude because it breeds more positivity. What you put in is what you get out! If you are constantly telling yourself you aren’t good enough, you will never believe you are… and that’s NOT TRUE! Find people who can be a support system… people who tell you the truth and help you when it’s hard! And when it comes to romance, find a man who ruins your lipstick and NOT your mascara! There's a great song about that and I think it’s the perfect phrase to remember! There is no use spending time with people who tear you down. Don’t waste the energy!

Life can get crazy, y’all!! I know we’ve all been there. But why are we so quick to forget how much we have to offer? That we are a force to be reckoned with?? Life has a way of beating us down sometimes, but there is always a way to get back up. I believe that whatever way you choose to rise above, working out is a key factor—I know it was for me! I always feel a sense of accomplishment after a good sweat. I know I have done something that is good for me, and it builds me up when I’m feeling down… the perfect confidence boost! There’s something about leaving a good workout that reminds you how capable you are. We all need something like that in our lives! Ladies, YOU ARE POWERFUL. We can’t see it all the time, but I am here to tell you that it’s true!! Don’t forget who you are and how great life can be when we decide to make those powerful, bold choices!!

You can overcome whatever you set your mind to. You can take it to the next level. You ARE capable! We have to stick together and root for each other when the path gets tough!! Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve a goal you’ve set for yourself! Keep pushing through and use the power of what you have already overcome to get you to the next step! Find your people, set your goal, and get out there. You will be better and stronger for it!

When you need that extra boost, don’t hesitate to reach out… we are all fighting together! Find your power and use it, ladies. Love y’all!

Until next time, xoxo! 


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!

Self Care Tips

Building Your Own Personal Routine!!!  😊   

What is self-care? 

The word “self-care” is buzzing right now, and I wanted to take some time with y’all to break down what it really means! If we’re looking for a clear definition, self-care is “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.” Sounds pretty straight forward, right?? Self-care can change from person to person… people need different things to be healthy sometimes!

What helps me might not help you to the same extent, and vice versa. So how do we know what we need?

Finding Your Personal Needs

It’s easy to think of what we need as something we probably don’t want. Remember when you were a kid and you were told time and time again to eat your veggies?? Yes, they’re good for you, but taking care of yourself doesn’t have to mean doing things you dislike. Self-care is about refueling your mind and body! It’s not an accidental act, either. Self-care should be something you implement into your routine—something you do for yourself on purpose!

When crafting a self-care routine, there are some simple, basic ways to get started. Eat healthy foods, exercise, meditate, get adequate sleep, express gratitude and spend time with people you love. Beyond that, it’s up to you! What makes you laugh? What brings you happiness? What allows you to forget the stresses of the day? What are you grateful for? Find these things in your life and create your self-care regimen.

Crafting Your Self-Care Plan

Now that we know what it is… how do we do it? I think one of the most useful ways to start is within your normal, everyday routine. The real power comes when you are able to care for yourself in the midst of chaos and stress. Our brain needs pauses throughout the day! Self-care is an excellent way to do that. Maybe you take a walk at work or send a text to a friend or family member just to say hi. Surviving the day and decompressing at home isn’t a sustainable way to live! You’re at a much higher risk for dissatisfaction and burnout. Find those little moments throughout the day to give yourself some TLC! Your time to recharge doesn’t have to wait until you’re away from work. Look for ways to care for yourself while you’re in the thick of it.

Self-Care Means Knowing Yourself

If you’re going to get good at this, you have to know yourself well! How can you care for someone without knowing what he or she needs? When done right, self-care is not indulgent or selfish. It’s a way of making sure you are at your best! That way all the people around you will be able to enjoy the best version of you… and you’ll feel your best, too! If you’ve never thought about self-care, take some time to consider what you love to do! What fuels you and gives you energy? What activities do you enjoy? Whatever it is, make effort to incorporate those things into your routine one way or another. You’ll be happier and healthier for it!

Until next time, xoxo! 


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!

The Gratitude Attitude
Can Gratitude Improve Your Health?

I’ve been thinking, y’all,  there is so much to be thankful for! When’s the last time you stopped to think about all the good in your life? As women over 40, or women of any age, really, it’s easy to think about what we don’t have or didn’t get to do yet. It seems like everyone has some kind of plan for their life, or at least an idea, but nothing ever goes exactly how we think it will. Working as a fitness instructor, I see a lot of this. I can’t tell you how many women I meet who want to change their bodies but are discouraged that it hasn’t been going the way they’d hoped. Today, I’m here to offer a piece of the solution to becoming who you want to be without letting yourself get in the way!

The Secret to Success

The secret solution I’m talking about is gratitude. You may be wondering what this has to do with getting in shape, losing weight, or gaining muscle tone. Ladies, it’s all connected! Trust me. Changing your body is a mental game just as much as a physical one. It’s hard to get in the shape you want to be in without first overcoming the mental block—that little voice inside telling you it’s impossible. You can’t do it. You aren’t strong enough. You lack willpower. WRONG! You CAN do it! But the place to start is with gratitude.

Why Gratitude?

Did you know that people who express gratitude are less likely to have aches and pains? Studies have shown there is a direct link between gratitude and physical health! It can also help improve sleep quality and self-esteem. There’s real power in being grateful, y’all!

Knowing what we appreciate in life can help us understand who we are! It has a way of clearing all the clutter in our lives away. And when you know who you are, you can figure out what it takes to get where you want to be. This applies across the board… health and fitness included! Harness the power of gratitude, y’all! What is it you are thankful for? I find myself very thankful for my husband, Ricky, my fun friends, and a career that makes me happy. But gratitude can be about little things as much as big ones. Maybe you are having a hard time finding what to be thankful for. What do you love about yourself and your life? It can be something as small as the way you wear your favorite dress or the taste of frozen yogurt on a hot summer day! Gratitude can be about anything!

Reaching Goals

When we practice gratitude, we tend to make more progress toward our goals. When you hit a bump in the road, don’t stress! Take a minute, remind yourself of something good, and keep going. One powerful way to take strides toward achieving your goal is to have little reminders ready for those tough moments. If you’re having a hard time getting in that last exercise during a class, remind yourself of another time you finished something hard! Tell yourself that you are strong and capable! We are much stronger than we often give ourselves credit for! The body will always give up before the mind does, so tell yourself “I think I can” and you will! When you’re struggling to change or reach a goal, the best thing you can do is lift your spirit with the attitude of gratitude. Putting our focus on the good can give us the stamina and push we need to finish strong and get one step closer to where we want to be.

So, what are you thankful for? How are you going to embrace your attitude of gratitude? It might be helpful to make a list and have things ready… that way when the moment comes, you’re prepared to win!

One thing I know for sure, I am grateful for y’all! Thanks for being a part of Lauren Fox on Demand and fighting to become the best version of yourself! I’m cheering for you!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊

Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!

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I’ve been thinking, y’all,  there is so much to be thankful for! When’s the last time you stopped to think about all the good in your life? As women over 40, or women of any age, really, it’s easy to think about what we don’t have or didn’t get to do yet. It seems like everyone has some kind of plan for their life, or at least an idea, but nothing ever goes exactly how we think it will. Working as a fitness instructor, I see a lot of this. I can’t tell you how many women I meet who want to change their bodies but are discouraged that it hasn’t been going the way they’d hoped. Today, I’m here to offer a piece of the solution to becoming who you want to be without letting yourself get in the way!

The Secret to Success

The secret solution I’m talking about is gratitude. You may be wondering what this has to do with getting in shape, losing weight, or gaining muscle tone. Ladies, it’s all connected! Trust me. Changing your body is a mental game just as much as a physical one. It’s hard to get in the shape you want to be in without first overcoming the mental block—that little voice inside telling you it’s impossible. You can’t do it. You aren’t strong enough. You lack willpower. WRONG! You CAN do it! But the place to start is with gratitude.

Why Gratitude?

Did you know that people who express gratitude are less likely to have aches and pains? Studies have shown there is a direct link between gratitude and physical health! It can also help improve sleep quality and self-esteem. There’s real power in being grateful, y’all!

Knowing what we appreciate in life can help us understand who we are! It has a way of clearing all the clutter in our lives away. And when you know who you are, you can figure out what it takes to get where you want to be. This applies across the board… health and fitness included! Harness the power of gratitude, y’all! What is it you are thankful for? I find myself very thankful for my husband, Ricky, my fun friends, and a career that makes me happy. But gratitude can be about little things as much as big ones. Maybe you are having a hard time finding what to be thankful for. What do you love about yourself and your life? It can be something as small as the way you wear your favorite dress or the taste of frozen yogurt on a hot summer day! Gratitude can be about anything!

Reaching Goals

When we practice gratitude, we tend to make more progress toward our goals. When you hit a bump in the road, don’t stress! Take a minute, remind yourself of something good, and keep going. One powerful way to take strides toward achieving your goal is to have little reminders ready for those tough moments. If you’re having a hard time getting in that last exercise during a class, remind yourself of another time you finished something hard! Tell yourself that you are strong and capable! We are much stronger than we often give ourselves credit for! The body will always give up before the mind does, so tell yourself “I think I can” and you will! When you’re struggling to change or reach a goal, the best thing you can do is lift your spirit with the attitude of gratitude. Putting our focus on the good can give us the stamina and push we need to finish strong and get one step closer to where we want to be.

So, what are you thankful for? How are you going to embrace your attitude of gratitude? It might be helpful to make a list and have things ready… that way when the moment comes, you’re prepared to win!

One thing I know for sure, I am grateful for y’all! Thanks for being a part of Lauren Fox on Demand and fighting to become the best version of yourself! I’m cheering for you!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊

Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!

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How to Stop Food Cravings!

Do you ever wonder why you’re hungry all the time? Why you can’t seem to satisfy the need to eat? There are a number of reasons for this, but it might be because your body is very good at tricking you into “hunger!”

Social Media can Affect Cravings

One way your body does this is by imagery. If you’re scrolling on Facebook or Instagram, constantly looking at delicious, mouth-watering food… chances are it’s making you think you’re hungry when you’re not! The mind is a powerful thing, and seeing images of food can easily make you want to eat. Be mindful when looking at images of food on social media or in magazines! It might feel fun, but may lead you to eating more than your body actually needs.

Studies have shown that watching TV while you eat is another way your body tricks you into consuming more than you need. Your brain isn’t paying attention to hunger cues when it’s focusing on what you’re watching. It’s harder to tell when you’re actually full! That makes it easy to just keep on eating. Try hitting pause while you eat and take a break from the show or movie! Let your body tell you when it’s ready to stop!

Alcohol is also very effective at fooling your body into thinking it’s hungry. Studies have shown that drinking alcohol leads to the desire to snack! Ever heard of someone having a case of the munchies?? Alcohol will do it to you. This is because alcohol affects the level of leptin in your body. The Leptin hormone lets you know you are satisfied… that you can stop eating. This is why it’s often called the “satiety hormone.” Cut back on the alcohol and stop food cravings!

Sleep and Cravings

As I’ve mentioned before, a lack of sleep can also increase hunger. That doesn’t mean your body actually NEEDS more food, it just makes you FEEL like you do. Tricky, tricky! Get a good night’s sleep to ensure your metabolism is working properly. Also, did you know that being sleep deprived can actually make food look more appetizing? We tend to go for larger portions after inadequate sleep… probably unhealthier ones, too. So, make sure you get your rest and stop those food cravings. Don’t let your body fool you on this one!

Finally, let’s get back to sugar… one of the major ways our body gets tricked. When you eat too much sugar, it creates a hormonal imbalance in your gut. Gut health is important, and we can talk in more detail about that later, but I want to touch on it here. Eating excess sugar slows your body’s production of leptin. Yes, the same hormone affected by alcohol! Since leptin suppresses appetite, when it’s being produced more slowly, your body tells your brain it needs food for a longer period of time than it actually does. Kind of crazy, right?? Who knew sugar could spark a chain reaction!

The Leptin hormone and weight gain go hand in hand. If you want to lose weight, it’s worth learning about how leptin works in the body. Research has shown that leptin resistance, when the body doesn’t respond to the leptin hormone, is a leading factor in weight gain. While that isn’t always something you can control, if your leptin typically functions normally, you CAN make sure you aren’t inhibiting its job by eating too much sugar or drinking too much alcohol!

Leptin hormone is produced by your body’s fat cells. The more fat cells in your body, the more leptin gets produced to slow your appetite. When you have more fat, you need less appetite. That’s what the leptin hormone does—it suppresses appetite. When leptin levels are high, your brain gets the message to the body to start burning more calories, too! So not only does leptin stop you from eating when you don’t need to, it tells your body when to start using the energy stored in your fat cells. The reverse also happens… when your leptin level is low (fewer fat cells), your brain knows to let hunger kick in. You need to feel hungry so you’ll eat and gain energy. Less calories are burned, too. This ensures you don’t starve. When you have enough fat cells to provide your body with energy, you feel satisfied. Some fat is necessary… leptin just helps us get to that right amount! Not too much, not too little.

As you can see, leptin is an important part of the body, and when it’s not working properly, we can feel like we need to overeat! By paying attention to the tips here, I hope you’ll find that your body will guide you in the right direction… to weight loss and good health!

Don’t let your body fool you into eating when you don’t need more fuel! Treat it well and be rewarded in return by stopping those food cravings! When you’re ready to burn more calories with some strength and cardio exercise, check out Lauren Fox on Demand for my online workouts!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!

Sleep and Weight Loss

I know most of you are very busy people (trust me, I am, too!), but that is no excuse for giving up sleep! I know it happens from time to time, but getting adequate sleep is much more important than you might think! A late night here or there is normal, but what is your usual sleep routine like? Do you consistently run on six hours or less? Do you feel rested when you wake up in the morning? Are you able to stay awake throughout the day without turning to caffeine or crashing into a nap? Take some time to really look at what your sleep habits are like and determine if you need to try something new or rearrange your priorities!

I personally know how awful sleep deprivation can feel. I remember going through it during menopause and that’s why I want to make sure you have the resources you need to get a good night’s sleep, ladies!

Sleep is linked to Type 2 Diabetes

Poor sleep is linked to a more sluggish metabolism and risk for type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that people who sleep less than six hours a night on a regular basis have an increased risk for type 2 diabetes. Your metabolism can slow down with poor sleep as well. It’s also linked to depression. Mental health and sleep are very closely tied together. Social interaction is negatively affected by inadequate sleep, too. It’s harder for the brain to process social and emotional information when it hasn’t rested enough.

Did you know that poor sleep is also linked to weight gain? Limited sleep duration is one of the highest risk factors for obesity. Sleep is necessary for good health, yes… but especially if you’re trying to lose weight. It’s absolutely crucial! You can’t expect to reach your goals without letting the body and mind rest during sleep.

Sleep and the Leptin Hormone

Just as inadequate sleep is linked to these negative effects, good sleep brings some amazing benefits! People who get adequate sleep during the night tend to eat fewer calories. The leptin hormone that suppresses appetite is more effective when sleep is routine and sufficient. Sleep deprivation causes the appetite hormone leptin, to fluctuate, resulting in greater hunger during the day!

When you get a good night’s sleep, your ability to concentrate and be productive increases! I know we’ve all felt this! You go to work after a night of quality sleep and you’re more aware and ready to tackle the day! This also means that good sleep can improve problem-solving skills and improve memory! There are more than enough reasons to make your nightly snooze a priority.

Now here’s where sleep directly intersects with your physical performance in a workout—good sleep has been shown to improve overall athletic performance! Having less sleep often limits the functional ability of the body. And it’s hard to exercise when you’re sick, right? Well, sleep improves your immune function. So, get to snoozing! Getting at least eight hours of sleep a night can drastically increase your body’s ability to fight off sickness, such as a cold.

Ways to Sleep Better

Okay, so what if you’re having trouble getting quality sleep? There are a few things you can try. Don’t consume caffeine late in the day. It affects people differently, but more likely than not, that afternoon latte isn’t a good idea if you want to get to sleep at a decent time in the evening. Try to hit the bed and wake up each morning at a consistent time. Your body can adjust better when it knows what to expect in terms of waking and sleeping, so try normalizing your routine and see if that helps improve your sleep quality! Set your bedroom temperature to what feels right to you. It can be hard to get a good sleep when it’s slightly too warm… or even too cool without enough cover! So, test it out—see what the ideal temperature is for you. Avoid the late-night snack… sometimes the release of melatonin is affected when you eat late. If you do eat late, try something low carb, as this has been shown to improve sleep when compared to a higher carb diet.

Without a doubt, sleep is totally necessary to take care of your body. A good night’s sleep is equally important as consistent exercise and a healthy diet! The next time you want to stay up late knowing you have an early morning ahead; consider what long-term benefits you might be missing out on by doing so! Take charge of your sleep and see what works best for you. The best feeling is waking up ready to take on whatever the day brings… especially if it includes Lauren Fox on Demand!!

See y’all soon… but get your sleep first!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!


Protect Your Skin!

Everyone wants to have glowing skin, but do you know how to take care of it on a daily basis? Your skin is the largest organ you have! It’s crucial to pay attention to the way you are treating it day in and day out. It has to last a lifetime and you want to be mindful of it!

When I was 30, I actually had a malignant melanoma in the beginning stage. It was scary! And it probably could have been avoided… when I was even younger, I, along with everyone I knew, lathered on baby oil to get a good tan. We had no idea of all the dangers! Back then, all we knew was that we wanted a summer bronze look, and that was the fastest way to get it. Even now I still like to be in the sun, though I used to be very diligent about staying out of it as much as I could. But when you have olive skin that tans pretty, it’s hard! I know some of you ladies feel the same! But now that I know the dangers of unprotected sun exposure, I make more effort to be under an umbrella and say no to the oil. Yes, to the sunscreen!

My daughter, Brooke, is an aesthetician, and she once told me that most of your underlying skin damage is done by the time you’re 18! Can you believe that?? Not to say you can’t make it worse as you age… you certainly can! Because of my experiences and the blistering summer sun that’s getting hotter by the day, I wanted to share a little bit about how you can protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

First, it’s important to note that the sun isn’t inherently bad. We actually need sunlight for Vitamin D, which I wrote about a little while ago! Vitamin D is essential for bone health, and being in the sun causes our bodies to produce it! Exposure to sunlight is also thought to increase your body’s release of serotonin, a hormone that helps with boosting your mood. So, the sun isn’t all bad… but we do have to be aware of how much we’re getting.

On a basic level, overexposure to the sun during a lifetime can result in wrinkles and age spots, but it can also increase the risk of cancer. What more reason do you need to take the necessary steps to protect your skin??

Applying sunscreen is one of the biggest ways you can help your skin out in the long and short term. Sunburns can turn to suntans, but your skin still suffers in the process. Burns leave you more prone to cancer and other, less serious issues. Try to wear sunscreen even when it’s overcast. Just because you can’t see the sun doesn’t mean it isn’t getting to you! Sunscreen is especially important when you’re near sand or water as these both reflect sunlight and leave you at a higher risk for getting burned. You can also stay in the shade when you know you’re going to be outside for a long period of time. I use an umbrella out by the pool myself! This is another effective way to protect your skin.

Aside from sun protection, there are other ways to keep your skin healthy and looking good. Treat your skin gently by keeping it moisturized. Long, hot baths and showers can leave your skin thirsty and dry, so try taking shorter, slightly cooler baths and showers. Always remember to lather up with lotion or moisturizer afterward! Avoid strong soaps, as these can deplete your skin’s oil. Try using a milder soap instead.  And when you hop out of the shower, pat dry your body to allow some of the moisture to remain on your skin. This helps keep it properly hydrated!

Healthy skin is just one part of a healthy life. All the good eating and exercise in the world can’t protect your skin from sun damage! Take the necessary steps to ensure you are living your best, healthiest life!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!


The Wealth is in Your Health

It’s easy to compare ourselves to those around us. “I’m not as wealthy, not as pretty, not as young, not as __________.” However you fill in the blank, it’s not a healthy way of thinking. You have so much to offer! There’s no need for you to be like anybody else or worry about the thing’s others have and you don’t. It’s time we all realize that our greatest wealth is in our health! Invest in that!

You could have all the money in the world, the biggest house, and the nicest car, but without your health, what do you REALLY have? Does the rest even matter? Possessions are great of course, but what could you possess that is greater than your own personal health and wellbeing??

Let’s take a look at some things that often hold us back from living our healthiest lives and how we can invest in our health.

One issue we all face from time to time is inflammation. Certain foods are known to cause inflammation more than others. Try to stay away from too much sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. Fruits and vegetables naturally have small amounts of fructose, which is fine, but giving your body too much inhibits your health. Eating too much sugar can lead to higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Inflammation is just the start. So stay away from too much sugar!

It’s also a good idea to avoid drinking too much alcohol, as this can lead to increased inflammation as well. Take it in moderation, but don’t go overboard every time you drink. Heavy drinking can also lead to organ damage—it creates problems with bacterial toxins moving out of the colon and into the body. Take it slow and light!

Finally, avoid inflammation by staying away from too much processed meat. Eating too much processed meat has been linked to colon cancer, among other issues.

Eating well is only half the battle. You’ve got to get moving!! There are little things you can do everyday that increase the balance in your health bank.

Take the stairs when you can. Go on walks. Stretch in the morning and evening. Try some meditative breathing to reduce stress. Work standing up when possible. Ride your bike through the neighborhood. Dance around the kitchen. Find whatever it takes to get you MOVING!

Try my classes at Lauren Fox on Demand to mix it up! When you’re too busy to make it to class, my instructional workout videos are right there, ready for you! The key is to start now with whatever you can. Do some sit-ups or pushups! Jog your driveway! Walk anytime you can. Invest in your health and it will return the favor!

Do you believe that your body is worth taking care of? Because IT IS! You only get one body, so take care of it and use it properly! Fuel it with whole, unprocessed foods. Get it moving every chance you get. Invest in the only thing you’ll have for your entire life! Trust me, it will pay off!!

Until next time, xoxo! 🦊


Get Fit, Foxy and Fabulous, at Home or Away,
on YOUR schedule, on Any Device!


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